The best italian bag manufacturers make the most stylish bags that you can buy in bulk. They can also help you make custom leather bags and backpacks to your design or brand’s specifications. They also sell their designs at wholesale prices for resellers who need luxury handbags in large quantities, avoiding the middlemen markup.
From sling bags to messengers, tote bags and clutches, the best Italian designer bags are chic enough for any occasion. These bags are made with high-quality materials and feature unique, classic styles that complement almost any look. They are the perfect statement pieces to complete your outfit and add some extra flair to your wardrobe.
Terrida is a high quality italian bag manufacturer devoted to casual luxury that blends tradition with modernity and attention to detail. Their products are characterized by a mix of fashion and style, contemporary and classic lines and by the use of premium fabrics like leather and crocodile skin. They are a full-service contract manufacturer for handbag and shoe companies, international brands and individual designers providing design, prototyping and manufacturing solutions for fashion and leather goods from raw material sourcing to manufacturing management, QA/QC, shipping and logistics.
KNT is a cutting-edge Italian bag designer that uses innovation and traditional craftsmanship to create bold and stylish bags that are inspired by urban streetwear and contemporary fashion trends. Their collection of women’s designer bags is crafted with the finest materials like leather and nylon and includes showstopping silhouettes that are sure to stand out. italian bag manufacturers